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About Petshop.ph
Located in Mindanao Ave., Quezon City, Petshop.ph is your one-stop-shop for your soon to be pet companion and pet care needs. Ranging from a wide variety of pet foods and treats all the way to pet accessories and pet grooming.
From our physical store to our online e-store (petshop.ph), we take pride in the exclusive collections that top-tier pet products bring to the market and the incomparable customer service we provide to our clients every day. Shopping for all your pet care needs made easy with just a few clicks!

Visit Our Superstore
Mindanao Ave. corner Arty 1
Novalichez, Quezon City
Open Everyday : 10AM - 7PM
Visit our other branches
Get Directions4/F Ayala Malls Feliz, Marcos highway cor. Amang Rodriguez Ave. Dela Paz, Pasig City
(02) 8470 0414
0917 581 5808
Get Directions2/F Marquee Mall Francisco G. Nepo, Angeles City
(02) 8635 3400
0917 815 5765