Of course, each pet owner must have the correct supplies for the proper caring of their pets. Petshop.ph offers some daily essentials needed for your pet birds which you can easily purchase in their website.
Bird Cage (Double Breeding Bird Cage)
The biggest you can afford and that will fit in your home is ideal for a bird that will spend most of its life behind bars. The bird cage that you will buying should be made of a strong, non-toxic material and easy to clean. Make sure the cage is wide enough to not cramp fully extended wings and high enough to accommodate birds with long tails of your pet bird.
Bird Food
A basic essential is the daily nutrients that your pet bird should receive. The birds always needs a formulated diet, meaning food pellets specifically for birds, as a base diet. Fresh or dehydrated fruits and vegetables are also a nice addition, along with nuts, beans, and cooked brown rice. Keep your choices going as to not let the bird be picky eaters.
PCG SmartHeart Parrot 400g & PCG SmartHeart Mynah Bird Food 1kg
Pet Bottle
This type of pet bottle is more convenient for your pet rather than deep cups will encourage your bird to try new food items. Many food and water dishes have a built in perch, and they all have a ledge the bird can balance on as he eats and drinks.